Monday, April 4, 2011

1st Quarter of 2011

Whatever happened to the first quarter of the year? Suddenly it's April 2011!! To say the cliched "Time Flies" is truly an understatement!

Well, looking back on the last 3 months, so much has happened this year. On a personal note, it's been quite hectic for me & AZ- was in Paris in January and performed our Umrah the second half of February. The whole of March was a chaos of back to back meetings and assisting clients with Contract negotiations - some ended well whilst others didn't. Met some good people, and some not so good people. Juggling deadlines & appointments.

The past week has been quite an emotional one for the family. Apak was hospitalized and a biopsy was recommended. Mak was in US with Kak Long at that time and we had to make some difficult desicions which turned out to be blessings from Allah. Alhamdulillah we received the result of Apak's biopsy yesterday and he is clear of cancer. Syukur, syukur Alhamdulillah.

Japan was hit by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake, then a destructive tsunami which unfortunately resulted in further chaos in a nuclear plant in Fukushima. I have been closely following this catastrophic events and can only pray that Allah will give them mercy. After watching news reports & documentaries on CNN and BBC News, reading newspapers & magazines, looking at extremely sad pictures and finally speaking to Azam who just came back from Japan after 10 days of mission with MERCY, I can only conclude that there are no other race on earth like the Japanese. Their resilience, true grit and strength is commendable. Despite the chaos and trauma, they face their day to day life in perfect order and stability. Azam said that what he saw in Japan is Islam and everything that is taught in Islam although the Japanese are not Muslims.

I wonder how Malaysians would react if a disaster ever hit our country. Nauzubillah.. Ya Allah, jauhkanlah negaraku ini dari berlakunya gempa bumi, tsunami dan malapetaka alam yang membinasakan..

Looking forward to the next 3 quarters of 2011 in anticipation.. (^_^)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Apak & Mak

Wishing Apak and Mak a very Happy Anniversary.. After 49 years, they still hold hands while sitting next to each other whilst having a conversation with me, Eda & Win that evening. It brought a tear in my eye being in the presence of so much love... To Apak & Mak: Thank you so much for everything that you have taught me, for all your sacrifices, for your unconditional love and understanding. I am who I am today primarily because of you, and for that I'm eternally grateful.. I love you so much, Apak & Mak.. Happy Anniversary!!