Wednesday, November 24, 2010

WANITA - December 2010

Thank you to the team members of Majalah Wanita for featuring our family in the December 2010 issue. Special thanks to the Chief Editor of the magazine, Kak Normala for such wonderful write up. It is our hope that the article will inspire more and more families to stay close together and aim for excellence in life.

Wishing everyone a most productive last month of the year (^_^)

PS: Since I don't have any pictures, here's a link about this in Hasanah's blog.. Thanks Hasanah!


ms hart said...

Bangga woiii...saw the mag & article at the Seremban R&R. Macam nak cakap at semorang..."ni kawan saya tau..!!" hehe what to do..gila glam!!! hahahaaa

kaseh said...


Hmmm...benda yang baik kita sebar2kan, insyaAllah ia akan memberi inspirasi kepada insan2 lain!

I am so happy for you kak!

Adillah A Nordin said...

Tati, malu pun ya jugak sebenarnya.. Segan bila orang tanya.. My mom sooooo excited :D

Linda, Thanks to you for introducing us to Kak Normala.. Hopefully a lot of families will be inspired by the article :)

Fao said...

waa...baru dapat tengok gambar Dilla dlm magazine tu....bravo!soalan cepuemas kita yang langsung keluar topic ialah "tudung pink awak dalam gambar tu cantik lah, apa nama tudung tu supaya kita boleh order dari Malaysia?" ampun!!
i order oso Wanita bulan Disember tau!! bis, Fao

Adillah A Nordin said...

Hello Fao! Itu soalan yang sangat penting tu. Tudung pink I bought from my friend-cum-tailor namanya Linda Kaseh. Memang sedap pakai. Pesen dia lebih kurang macam tudung kat Ariani, so I guess namanya tudung Ariani kot? I heard the Winter over there is very severe. Sojuk tak Doc? Take care ya.