Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yummy Brownies

Yum Yum :-)

Just tried this recipe for Brownies, courtesy of my friend Tati. It's soft & moist on the inside & a little bit crunchy at the top. A must for chocolate addicts. Seriously delicious. 

Wanna try it? You will need:-

60g self-raising flour
180g castor sugar
100g butter
40g cocoa powder
2 eggs
50g chocolate chips
50g walnut (optional - I skipped this as my kids hate walnuts!)
1/2 tsp vanilla essence


1. Melt butter in a pan on slow fire. Once melted, add the cocoa powder & mix well. Then put aside.
2. Whisk sugar, eggs & vanilla essence. Then add in flour & stir slowly.
3. Then add the cocoa butter into the mixture. Stir slowly.
4. Finally add the chocolate chips. I actually used Hershey's chocolate Kisses (broken into quarters) instead of chocolate chips.
5. Bake in oven at 170C for about 30 minutes.

Best served warm with Vanilla ice-cream (Yummy!)

Good luck! 


caramel said...


janganlah dera jiwa raga dan sukma i dengan gambar tu dilla..........kasihanilah i.....chocolate brownies with ice cream....yummie...kurang pahal apuasa i...terliur ......u memang teror bab baking ni......tapi i would give it a try bila balik melaka nanti.....

farah said...

waaahhh pepagi bukak blog cik adillah dah ada resipi brownies plk...boleh buat tempahan utk raya tak?? ;)

Adillah A Nordin said...

Morning Raha,
You must try the recipe. Better than brownies kat Secret Recipe any time! Betul..


Adillah A Nordin said...

Hi Farah!
You can try the recipe Farah. Senang je & sedaaap.. Kalau datang rumah I for Raya I buat for you ok?

Have a good day :-)

ms hart said...

hu hu ha ha he he...kan dah kata, kan? Sodaaaaap!!!!

caramel said...

u tunjuk juga....sob sob sob.....jadi i nak ke chilis untuk makan molten choc.....operasi ternak lemak berskala besar......tapi tak pe coz i pakai baju kurung...ala ala wanita melayu terakhir...sudah insaf......hopefully berkekalan lah rasa insaf ini...amin

hope you enjoy the book....kenalah mula my blog ni...

Adillah A Nordin said...

You must start up your blog Raha. You have read so many books, I can't wait to read your reviews!

I have one more assignment to do tomorrow. Kalau I dapat habiskan, I will start reading the ESQ.. Thanks so much for the book. It's really sweet & thoughtful of you..

BTW, details of your date nanti cerita tau.. :-)

Adillah A Nordin said...

Tati, sodaaap. Bukan la sebab I pandai sangat masak, tapi sebab recipe you bagi tu memang idiot-proof! heehee.. Thanks again dear.

caramel said...


my date yesterday was an eye opener....a lot of things that i discovered...semua benda yang i pok pek pok pek dengan dia selama ni did not fall on deaf ears...he actually dengar and remembers..he does the small things that matters to me...maybe what my sister says is right.....see what they do and not what they say that matters.....will fill in the details nanti.......maybe if given a chance i would discover a gem......amin

by the way...i buka blog your fren...."ms hart".....caramel roti tu yummy looking......masak asam tu mengurangkan pahala puasa.....nak resepi lah.....boleh memperbaiki rasa my version of the masak asam......can ke ms hart?

Adillah A Nordin said...

Yes, Ms Hart is a good cook. I call her SuperMom sebab now takde maid & she does everything. & yet sempat lagi masak proper meals INCLUDING desserts! Inspiring kan?

Anyway, Raha, I think you have met Mr. Right! :-)

ms hart said...

Assalamualaikum...tumpang lalu, Puan Adillah...he he...


Thanks for visiting my 'home'. Laaa...awat tak ketuk pintu? I tak tahu you tak pelawa pulak puding tu! Ooopss puasa!!! he he..Anyway, at that particular entry on the puding tu, you just click at the word 'HERE' (in bold) in the paragraph. That's the link to the recipe entry on this blog by one lady named Ummi.

And for the masak asam, please go to the comment box of that particular entry. At one of the boxes tu, ada recipe masak asam daging, ok. Thanks for dropping by ya Caramel! Do leave a print next time ya! Hey, I love any desserts with caramel, tau!

caramel said... week i ada meeting di melaka dengan kedua dua abang i...yang pendek dan yang tinggi...macam iklan clorets kan? hope to be able to dropo by for lunch....ops..gurau je...

nak sampaikan pesan kat Ms Hart boleh?.....i dah tinggalkan foot prints and thumb prints at her blog........thanks coz jadi posmen k dilla...this weekend i nak cuba semua...doakan biar jadi